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& Boring..... ♥

Friday, November 6, 2009

for almost 2 months, i abandon my blogg.
haha..this is my time 2 blog something in...
today once again i din't go to school...
i don't know why..
although i going to genting on sunday but i didn't feel happy..
i'm too bored..
i don't know what to do..

all alone is much better than being a couple..
no complains..
nothing can make trouble..
feel more freedom..

this sunday, my friends are going to parade..
but i can't go..
i want to meet my friend/god brother...
surely will be fun..

Rainie went love drunk at 2:56 PM ♥

& sad.... ♥

Monday, June 1, 2009

Today was the starting of the school holidays..2 more weeks to go,so that school is reopen..

But today the sad thing is mummy(Yee Ting) is not with me for 1 week..she is going to taiwan...i want her with me..all my friends,left me alone here..they are busy, so even don't want to reply my msg..what can i do?just this morning, i really miss her and i cried just leaving me alone..but she promise she will buy souvenirs for me from Taiwan..anyway i am so happy that she is a responsible friend or even mummy..she even take care of me, helping me when i needed her..she is a good friend that i ever had..anyway, i need to go nw..

the next post will be tomorrow..take care people..

Rainie went love drunk at 12:01 PM ♥

& continue of the photo on 1st may..(at Yee Ting's house.) ♥

Monday, May 4, 2009

all the next picture will post on next time.

Rainie went love drunk at 10:31 AM ♥

& ON 1ST MAY ♥

we , magnetic family member's have a nice day ..We played water game..it was a nice day..
Hope can go to Yee Ting huse again..want to sleep overnight..

These are the photoes:-

Rainie went love drunk at 9:43 AM ♥

& Sport's day is comming... ♥

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

We have cheerleader competition today.At first teacher says that the cheerleading is at 3.30 p.m (after recess) ad tarik tali after that..but when it come to 2.15p.m. the head prefect came and told that it change the time to 5.30p.mand the tarik tali will begin first..all of us stares at them..the cheerleaders were shocked that the competition is at 5.30p.m.

After recess,the head prefect come again.They told us that prefects must bring their assignment class to go to the front field at 3.45p.m.I just went back to class and sat down there not even 4 minutes and my butt haven warm yet,prefects need to go up again..the weather that time was bad but i still did all the work they ask..Everyone went to front field and then within a minute ,just step the grass,teacher told that it will raining so tarik tali competition will postponed to tomorrow(4.3.2009).we went back to class and finish our drama,(for moral).then i look at the clock it show 5.35p.m. and Jessy shouted to me and ask me "Are we going to bengkel?"i said"who is teaching today"she replied"Ms.Yeoh".everyone looked at me and they said that they din't bring any PD book..
I asked them to go but they refuse and ask me to go and ask teacher wether we need to go bengkel a not..I said to my self ( me as the formen for PD will be get scolding from Ms .yeoh again)..Why can't everyone follow my instruction??It is better we go together..That time it was raining heavily bengkel will be banjir..Everyone shout "my shoes will get wet , how i want to go to school tomorrow with wet shoes"??i am so angry that time and i said evryone line up and take your books in 5 seconds...
They just like a storm, everyone was out within 3 seconds.Then we rushed to bengkel..i go in and i ask wether can we go in a not...Teacher says"yes .."i went out..only me and jessy there..i called the girls to hurry up because i know that we will get scolding from Miss.yeoh again..
Kay off from Ms.Yeoh period..too long already..After that when it time to 5.30 p.m.is the cheerleading time, we rushed back to the class and went to upper hall..yellow came out first..it was fantastic..followed by blue and then red and the last is green(if i not mistaken)..the result's cam out..fromthe bottom Yellow house is the last ,then blue , the seconf is green and then red..we the yellow house members was so sad..and the cheerleader was crying but the red house cheerleaders was jumping like an elephant..and screaming so loud..the upper hall was like having a earth quake..how can we get last...
But when we looked at the result's paper ,yellow house loose because of the shirt...and we get some thing, my friend who sit at the back can see at the back clearly..(i don't know which house is that but not yellow and blue)the girl cannot even go up as they tried so long..at front it was fantastic..but art the back they saw a lot of mistakes...how can that happen..why can't yellow house get frist..yellow house work so hard for it but at last we get last place..but , congatulation to red and green house....

I will end here now..want to continue , i think after my school sport's day on this saturday..

Rainie went love drunk at 8:41 AM ♥

& ♥

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

An incident that was very shocked.an unwanted incident happen in school.Why the cheerleading is so dangerous?a girl fell down from making a piramid in the morning yesterday (i don't want to mention which is the house..)when i went into the prefect room,i heard they are started talking about it..that time is at 11.25a.m.i was so blur and i asked what had happen ..they told everything and i got a shocked.a girl fell down and hurt her head.How is she now?i heard that the girls head(at the back)is injured..they say that the girl said that there were little bit of blood coming out.is she ok now?
Then they said that other house members ran there immedieatly butthe members of that house don't let to crowd..the morning session students can hear the loud noise that the girl fell from the piramidto the ground have been heard from the canteen..but that time..there are a prefect in the prefect's room(a Y1 seargeant also)..they quickly rushed to theprfect's room to call her..she came down quickly ..after the girl that feel down wake up they call the girl's mother to go to the school and admitted to the hospital...i still wondering how is she now althought i am not a member of that house.. i hope that notthing will happen anymore that can make girls injured again..

now next to another topic,the result for the marks that is for sukan has came out..the red house is leading so far..cosists 190 marks(if i not mistaken)the second is blue house-140marks,follow by yellow house-136 marks and the last is green house_135 marks..how come the gap of blue house and red house is so big...How about the morning session marks..anyone know..and can you tell me..( i am not busy body,but i just want to know)..hoping that this year yellow house will be the campain..but for other house i wish you all good luck and gambateh...

i want to upload my new photo but no cable to connect to the computer..boo...

P/s :To all cheerleaders takecare of your selves an to the students and my fellow prefects, take care too...love everyone(i am not less)

Rainie went love drunk at 9:11 AM ♥

& ♥

Friday, February 20, 2009

nothing to say..

on thursday and wednesday even on tuesday also got house practice and sukan tara..teachers can you separate all..
now my lig is so pain..no feelings at all when i walk and yesterday when long jump i 'Terseliuh'my leg..so pain lah...help..the body all also pain..but of course not only me but everyone in school are tired and pain...

Yesterday , in school we just only study for 2 subjects..sejarah and geografi..and then went to the back field ..sorry to the morning session green house ..we took your place..

don'y know what to say..
but can i ask ..
how my leg can be better???

Rainie went love drunk at 9:47 AM ♥