& Tagged.. ♥
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tagged by Regine;1) Do you think you're hot?
It is not funny..
2)Upload your favorite photo of you.

As i think i look nice with friends in that picture.
4)When was the last time you ate pizza?
2 weeks back,i think.
5)The last song you listen to?
大嘴巴 - 永远在身边
6)What are you doing right now besides this?
Checking comment in Friendster..
7)What name would you prefer besides yours?
Ee Kei
People to tag:-
1) Seng Hoo [ It's gonna to be lame if do it again]
2)Regine [ It's gonna to be lame if do it again]
4)Anyone who want's.
8)Who is number one?
Friends..i know his in friendster..
9)Number three is having relationship with?
I'm not sure..
10)Say something about number two?
My senior friend..good..like to help people who is needed her help..knid..
11)How about number four?
------------ will fill it up if i know...

Happy Birthday ,Seng Hoo.
Rainie went love drunk at 10:33 AM ♥