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& Terrible assignment class...2 kekwa.....Heih..... ♥

Thursday, August 7, 2008

At last,she is back 2 skul,
but my assignment class,2 kekwa
puff.....terrible..........i wrote on the board
Pls do not leave anything on your desk.t.q.

then they help me 2 change 2 ...
Pls Leave anything on ur desk .t.q.
this class is the most terrible class that i had...

i am so difficult now, must do this folio then do that....heih......
who can help me????i 1 2 go back 2 my primary skul..
but in this skul i had made a lot of new friends.....
nice with my new friend...
But leong did not like i made new friend because she jealous...
i always talk with soon yi
caz she just sit behind me...
if not i will talk wif subhashini...
but the problem is i ask one Question but she answer me 10 answer..
sweat.........we also always quarrel........that is y i dun talk much with subhashini.....

then subhashini says that she will stop admire(someone)
But at last she can't stop that....Now a days ,me,leong and mei kei dun believe what subhashini says caz time she says she had (brain tumer)
then we believe and she says she only had 1 year 2 alive..but now she still her....
n she always dun believe what we says and call us 2 sumpah...this and that...heih....

I think that's all....
Attention:take care of ur selves and drink more water......

Rainie went love drunk at 10:42 AM ♥